love, personalized, writing

Love, Is It A Real Thing?

I have never been in love till now.

So I do not know how it feels,

To want to keep seeing the same person,

To want to wake up next to the same person,

To want to listen to an awful song because that person loves it,

To want to share the last bite of my pizza with the person, and

To want to live with that person, for the rest of my life.

But, I’ve read a fair amount of romantic novels that described all the love in the world that exists in various forms. Were those type of loves real? mostly not. But the ones that explained love in its natural state were painful to read. Surprisingly, the people who experience the forever type of love, have no idea on how they found it. Was is love at first sight? Did it grow on them eventually? Did they see their forever person for the first time and thought, “damn! I am going to marry you”? no one ever knows the perfect answer to these questions. It doesn’t make sense right. The most confusing type of love is “Love at first sight”. Did they just saw a person with big, pretty, brown eyes and felt like, that eyes, can see the depth of their soul? Or just thought, “I’d be privileged to wake up next to that cute ass for the rest of my life?” I have no idea. And frankly science says the hormones go crazy when we see a person with features that pleases our brain.

If babies can have such an effect on us, a fully grown adult can have more.
That doesn’t characterize love only as a bunch of chemical reactions. May be it explains the initial attraction but a successful relationship needs a lot of work. It requires a huge investment of both the partner’s time and energy. It requires a lot of remembering stuffs, like anniversaries, birthdays, the firsts, the selection of gifts etcetera. It also requires a lot of sacrifices. But choosing to do everything for, say, 20 years and regretting that choice later in life, is not healthy. This type of love that ends up in lots of regret, even in a relationship of few years, is found all over the place. Especially in the modern times. I am not a cynical person with respect to finding love. Like I said, I’ve never been in love let alone in a relationship. But I’ve seen different types of love in my family. My grandmother knows (I’d like to say feel, but knows works as well) the exact time when my grandpa returns home. He usually goes out a couple of times a day and every time when she feels he’s returning back, she’d go to the door and there he’d be. Exact sync. I lived with them for nearly 10 years and you guys, it synced every single time. But my parents have no time to live like that. They spend most of the day in doing something for the kids (my brother and I) or at work. But maybe, they have that sync in their hearts and never express it, at least I’d like to believe so.
When I come to know about divorces, nasty or amicable breakups, the biggest question I get is “how did they decide, all of a sudden, that they hate each other?” What about the promises and vows (in case of a divorce)? If them promises and vows are true then how do they grow apart? How is it possible to want to wake up alone or with a different person, or to commit adultery? Again, the answers are unknown. (excluding the cases of physically, emotionally and mentally abusive relationships and hurtful/hateful ones)
That said, the chances of finding the one true love is not that great. But I believe that every one deserves to be happy. I believe that every one of us has that one person, somewhere in the world. If you are lucky enough to find them, never let go of them.
“When you love someone you just, you… you don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy. Even then. Especially then”. – Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother.
On that note, I wish every one of you gets the one.
(PS: My love at first sight is coffee (or should I say, love at first sip) and books. There will be a separate blog about it later <3)