
Zone Out!

Every now and then we should take some time off only for ourselves. The people can be tiring. The same goes to work, the current situation of any kind. If you are stressing out, it’s always good to take some time off and fall off the earth. I know this for sure because I have experienced it first hand.

Here it goes!

After I finished college, I had to stay at home for a duration of approximately 5 months. Because my next course didn’t start until after 5 months. An Indian kid from a family like mine is not allowed to work till a certain age. So I was asked by my parents to stay at home with them for that time period because I will be moving to a place, which is 2500 km away from my house for my next course. I agreed to stay after a little emotional drama from my mother and my paternal grandmother. My home is in a town. So I had nothing much to do. And most of my school friends were away. My college was in a different place as well. So my college friends were all scattered.

I do not enjoy staying st home after a certain period of time. Sure the home cooked food was amazing after 5 years of hostel life. I loved staying close to my little brother as much as I can. But I did not have a cordial relationship from my mother. I still do not. I have come to terms with it many years ago. But staying in the same house was a constant reminder. We kept arguing for silly reasons when my brother was at school. I tried to leave with my father when he left for work often. I was also getting some much-needed sleep at home. But the fights with my mother was emotionally draining. After a couple of months, for the first time in my life I felt like breathing in my home was very difficult. I struggled to breathe freely. Crying myself to sleep became a routine. Eating was also starting to become a difficult activity. I was slowly falling into depression and was brave enough to admit it to my best friend at least. I did not have any of my friends to talk with in person. A few people who have known that I won’t be comfortable at home kept checking on me via texts. But nothing helped. I also found the reason for my turmoil at home very contradicting. I mean who doesn’t like to be with their parents? That was the first time I really, badly wanted to take some time off. I decided to go to a happy place. So I told my parents that I have some work to do in college. my college is a good 450 km away from my home town (located in Chennai). Also, I did have some work to do with regard to my certificates. I had some money saved. I used it to stay in a very nice home stay service (it is kinda like air bnb in a professional way) and for my food expenses.

I came to Chennai. I instantly felt better. I really wanted to fall off the earth. So I only told my best friend the details about my trip (just in case) and no one else. Except for updating my best friend I didn’t use my phone for anything else. I have taken some books with me so I started reading in the gardens of the place where I was staying. I ordered my favorite food from the restaurant I like. I started feeling better. I slept very late but I was woken up for breakfast. I wanted to go to my favorite places but I didn’t want to run into anyone I knew. So I refrained to a nearby Starbucks and a waffle place. I spent most of my time reading and watching movies. I also did a little shopping. On the second night I found myself relaxing. The city had thousands of happy memories with my friends. I reminisced and took positive energy from them. I am afraid I can’t explain ‘drawing positive energy from memories’ in a better way. But it was what it was. I completely felt energized and relaxed. I had regained my patience to tackle my mother for the 2 remaining months. I felt happy and grateful for getting to spend some alone time. Needless to say, I tackled the next 2 months well and left for my new course.

That two days are one of the most important days in my life. I read a lot and thought about a lot of things. I realized the importance of good mental health. Thankfully I escaped from falling into actual depression. I’d like to think that I saved myself. It’s a coping mechanism I guess. It is not a wrong thing to want to take care of your mental health. People who are blessed with awesome families, lean on to them. People who have faith, lean on to god. people who have an amazing best friend like me, lean on to them. I am pretty sure when they are in trouble you can be their strength. (god may not be in trouble, just fyi). The measures you take can be as simple as going to the beach or buying shit from target. The thing you love will be therapeutic no matter how silly it is. If you are living in a city you can go to the mall and watch people eat pretzels or ice cream. Taking absolute time off from the world is the best thing you can do for your mind and help it to remain peaceful.